
About The Candy World [important]

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PieCuddlie's avatar

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I thought I'd write a little something about the Candy World, or at least list some information about what lives there and such.

Creatures That Currently Exist In it
  • Candy Bites
  • Squishes
  • Doughies
  • Sugar Raiders
  • IDK Foxes
  • Pudding Clingers
  • Pie Cages
  • Ribbon Jackers
  • Bittersweets
  • Gummi Sharks*

*Gummi Sharks also exist in the human world and is more-known there than in the Candy World.


1. Monarchy: Bittersweets and some Pie Cages

2. "Nobles"/"Knights": Pie Cages and some Sugar Raiders

3. Salemen/Wizards and Magical Beings: Ribbon Jackers, Sugar Raiders, some Squishies, and Pudding Clingers

4. Working Class: Doughies and Squishies

5. Peasants: Candy Bites

6. Hobos: IDK Foxes and exiled Bittersweets

7. "Non-Existent"/Myth: Gummi Sharks


-Beyond the Sundae Mountains/Hidden Kingdom

Inhabitants: Bittersweets and Pie Cages

Climate: Cold/Freezing

-Sundae Mountains/Candy Gem Caves

Inhabitants: Pie Cages and wandering Pudding Clingers (they come up into the mountains from Sugarplum Valley looking for a Pie Cage mate)

Climate: Very Cold and Harsh

-Sugarplum Valley

Inhabitants: Pudding Clingers, Ribbon Jackers, Squishies and Doughies

Climate: Warm, calm, and cheerful

Special: City-like towns are formed by Doughies. Ribbon Jackers form business here and hire Squishes as guards. (Usually their fashion business/homes are hidden behind trees made by their magic to reduce theft.) Pudding Clingers live in the far east of Sugarplum Valley that is near the edge of the paths leading to the Sundae Mountains. They come out their mini villages to shop, find a pet Doughie, or to adventure into the mountains/caves looking for a Pie Cage. Doughies wander into the mountains as well in search for a job in the Hidden Kingdom beyond the mountain from a Bittersweet. If they aren't looking for much pay, they go south to wander into the forest to be hired by a Candy Bite.

Squishes hold their own on-the-go businesses all around the Candy World. They venture into dangerous zones (aka: Where Sugar Raiders may pop up from underground) to get supplies into their cart and sale these items to other candy/sweets creatures around the world. These guys are called Peppermint Carters because of the peppermint wheels their carts use. (they have to get replacement wheels from the mountains because the wheels wear down pretty easily.)  

-Underground City

Inhabitants: Sugar Raiders and Captured Pudding Clingers

Climate: Damp and Cold

Special: This is Sugar Raiders' big hideout. They bring captured Pudding Clingers to their homes or prey they plan to drink later. They also hold underground plays, musicals, and other theater events other candy creatures come to see from all over the Candy World. (usually they enter through labeled trapdoors that direct them directly to the theater so the candy creatures will not get lost underground/killed.) Many tunnels lead Sugar Raiders to their prey's habitats, so prey have to be careful around holes, bushes, and hallow trees. 

-Forest [Villages]

Inhabitants: Candy Bites

Climate: Dim and Cool

Special: Candy Bite villages are very well hidden since it is dangerous in the forest most of the time. Dangerous Candy Bites are usually exiled into the trees.

-Forest [Trees]

Inhabitants: IDK Foxes and crazy/tail-minded Candy Bites

Climate: Brighter and slightly windy

-Sweeten Sand Beach

Inhabitants: Hobo (exiled) Bittersweets, IDK Foxes, wandering Candy Bites, and a few Gummi Sharks

Climate: Warm/hot and sunny

Special: Very few candy/sweets creatures live here or even wander due to the myth of the "Gummi Sharks". Many of the candy/sweets creatures are weary of the beach whether or not they believe in this savage mythical species because some Hobo Bittersweets live along in. These Hobos are exiled Bittersweets that tried to take over a certain part of the kingdom, but they got caught and were given a chose to live forever "alone" or be executed. Some are very wise and may seem even friendly, but beware, they still have many tricks up their sleeves!

Candy Bites may wander the beach that is a few miles west of the forest in search of food/supplies. Some do get to see Gummi Sharks... but hardly any come back alive after they've see one.

-Jelly Sea

Inhabitants: Gummi Sharks and "pirate" candy/sweets creatures that are brave to sail it

Climate: Stormy at random times

Special: There are underwater portals to the human world (aka: Earth) that can only be found by Gummi Sharks. This is how Gummi Sharks can live in our world and also why they are thought of as a myth in the Candy World; they are scarcely seen it since they spend must of their time in the human world or in the Underjelly Caves.

-Underjelly Caves

Inhabitants: Gummi Sharks

Climate: Cool and Damp

 Other Facts
Main Currency: Candy Gems
Special Currency: Candy Wrappers (only used amongst Candy Bites)
Food/Dominance Chain
Bittersweets > All Candy/Sweets Creatures
Pudding Clingers dominate Pie Cages, Ribbon Jackers, keep Doughies, and kill (not eat) Candy Bites
Ribbon Jackers trick Pie Cages and hire Squishes to guard against Doughies or kill Doughies themselves
Pie Cages scare Sugar Raiders, and eat lesser creatures except Doughies
Sugar Raiders drink lesser creatures and keep Pudding Clingers
Squishes eat Doughies
Doughies steal from Ribbon Jackers, Candy Bites, and Bittersweets
IDK Foxes eat Candy Bites and slurp off of Squishes
Gummi Sharks (including puppies) eat wandering Candy Bites
Candy Bites are scared  of everything

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greenstar2001's avatar
Can I please make a Candy Bite?